TimeRecording BASIC WEB

Location-flexible and legally compliant time recording according to your needs.
No software installation, no hardware installation – simply register and get started straight away!

Once you have registered, you can specify the number of licenses and payment method.
For an overview of the license costs, please click here.

You can then configure your time recording system and create employees.
Our time recording solution can be expanded at any time by purchasing additional licenses or hardware.


No time recording terminal is required for TimeRecording Basic Web. Employees record their working times quickly and easily online via the web browser. The system can be expanded at a later date with stationary time recording terminals at any time.

Modern digital working time recording – from just EUR 25 net per month or EUR 250 net per year.

No hidden or additional costs – the operation and use of the IT infrastructure (web application, server and databases), system maintenance, software updates and support are already included in the license costs.

What our customers say about us

IDENTsmart offers exactly what we need: an intuitive user interface paired with a reliable and sophisticated time and attendance terminal.
Christoph Roessler
Director Information Technology Austria Technical Advisor EMEA
I have been using this time and attendance system for some time now and I am very pleased. The idea, the technical implementation and the easy usage convinced me.
Christian Muschard
Owner Muschard Schildertechnik
We were looking for a simple staff time tracking solution for our manufacturing company and we are very happy with IDENTsmart - it's quick to set up and ready to go. Great product!
Marc Knobloch
Technician FTF-Metallbau GmbH

Try TimeRecording for 60 days free of charge

✔ 60 day free trial without commitment

✔ No credit card or bank account required

✔ Test account ends automatically

✔ Data can be transferred after the test period

✔ Server in Germany

✔ No transfer of your data to third parties

Use the free trial access and give modern time recording a try