TimeRecording Support

Configuration Options

In the annual leave profile, you will find all configuration options for your employees’ leave entitlement.

Give the annual leave profile a descriptive title here.

Annual Leave entitlement days per calendar year​
Here you set the number of leave days per calendar year. These days are automatically credited to the employee’s leave account on January 1st of the new year.​

Number of days the entitlement may be exceeded
This value determines whether an employee can record more leave days than they currently have available in their leave account. In this case, a negative balance will be shown for the remaining entitlement in the leave account. Once all leave days are used up, and this additional allowance is exhausted, an error message will be displayed when attempting to record a leave day in the time tracking calendar.​

Time Credit
Specifies whether a time credit should be granted on days when vacation is recorded.

If you credit an employee with the daily scheduled work time on a leave day, the balance remains unchanged. If you do not credit any time on a leave day, the daily scheduled work time, if set, will be deducted from the balance. Alternatively, you can define a fixed value to be credited.​

Treatment of Non-Working Days
Specify here whether leave days that fall on public holidays or days without scheduled work time (e.g., weekends) should also be deducted from the leave account. If you enable these functions, leave days that fall on these days will be counted as regular leave days. If you do not enable these functions, you can still record leave days on these days in the time tracking calendar. However, these will not be deducted from the leave account, and no time credit will be applied if one is defined.​

Leave Carryover​
Specifies whether remaining annual leave is carried over to the following year.

“Carryover without restriction” allows the transfer of the entire positive or negative remaining entitlement to the new year.​
“Carryover always 0” does not allow the transfer of any remaining entitlement, whether positive or negative.​
“Carryover maximum dd days” allows the transfer of the remaining entitlement up to the specified value. Negative remaining entitlements are also transferred.

Expiration of Remaining Annual Leave
This setting specifies when leave entitlements from previous years expire. An expiration is noted on the dashboard and in the corresponding report.​