TimeRecording Support

Clocking Thresholds

Clocking thresholds define the time periods during which recorded work hours are counted. Entries outside these boundaries are trimmed to the specified time frames.​

Clocking thresholds do not need to be created in pairs. A single clocking threshold is also valid.​

The left column contains the start clocking threshold, and the right column contains the end clocking threshold.

If clocked in before the start clocking threshold, the specified clocking threshold time is used.​
If clocked in after the start clocking threshold, the actual clock-in time is used.

If clocked out before the end clocking threshold, the actual clock-out time is used.
If clocked out after the end clocking threshold, the specified clocking threshold time is used.

Applied clocking thresholds are noted on the dashboard and in the reports.


Clocking threshold 08:00 – 17:00

A clock-in at 07:52 will automatically be adjusted to 08:00 with the note “Clocking threshold applied” or “07:52 (trimmed to 08:00)”.​
A clock-out at 17:07 will automatically be adjusted to 17:00 with the note “Clocking threshold applied” or “17:07 (trimmed to 17:00)”.

End Clocking threshold 17:00

A clock-out before 17:00 is recorded with the actual clock-out time.​
A clock-out after 17:00 is adjusted to 17:00.​