TimeRecording Support


If the time clock loses connection to the Internet on the current network, it switches to offline mode. The offline mode is shown on the terminal display as follows:

If the time clock is in offline mode, it can still be used as usual. The entries booked at the time clock are stored directly in the time clock’s memory. The number of bookings stored on the time clock is represented by the counter.

The time clock periodically tries to reconnect to the Internet. If the connection has been successfully restored, all bookings will be automatically transferred to the server and displayed in the web interface.

If the time clock cannot reconnect to the Internet on its own after a while, try unplugging the time clock and then reconnecting it. You can also try to reconnect the time clock to the network or to a different network using the “Configure Wifi” menu item in the admin menu.


The data stored on the time clock will not be deleted if you:
– Unplug the time clock.
– Restart the time clock by briefly pressing the button on the back.
– Connect the time clock to a network using the “Configure Wifi” menu item in the admin menu.

The data stored on the time clock will be deleted if you:
– Reset the time clock to the factory settings using the button on the back or the admin menu.
– Delete the time clock in the web interface from your TimeRecording account.
– Delete the offline data in the time clock admin menu.